A wise and powerful [fictional] man once said "Of course it is happening inside your head Harry, but why on Earth should that mean it is not real?" Yes that was Professor Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. If you know me, you know that Harry Potter is basically a part of my daily life, always. If you haven't seen or read the books, tisk tisk, go read the books and then see the movies! (Also, thank you J.K. Rowling since you really said it, Dumbledore can't get all the credit.)
Anyway! That quote! When the word belief is used or thought of, that quote (in Dumbledore's voice of course) is the first thing that comes into my mind. This quote resonates with me so much, especially whenever I believe that I can do something or when I am battling self-doubt.
Do you have goals but you never really achieve them? They are there one week and then self doubt sinks in and they are gone? Or you think you just are good enough or good at what you do?
Belief is powerful! Belief is necessary. Believe in yourself! Believe in what you want, in what you are doing, in who you are!
For the longest time, I struggled with believing in myself. I carried so much self-doubt, daily. I believed that I wasn't a good mom, that I wasn't a good stay at home mom, that I wasn't good at my job or that my job (at the time) was pointless and worthless. I believed everyday that there was something wrong with me. With the way I act or the way I feel too much, I thought everything about myself was wrong!
And you know what? I was right! I had it in my head that there was something wrong with me, that I wasn't good at anything I was doing. It was happening in my head and so that is what I was 1)what my constant energy was putting out into the Universe and 2)receiving back from the Universe.
I didn't believe in myself! I kept trying to find a reason for WHY I was doing everything wrong. What hidden reason was there that I was doing something wrong? Was it something from my past that messed up my head and ability to handle emotions? Was it raging hormones after having two kids (yes, sometimes this one is accurate.) Was is the nagging fact that I never went to college or did anything with my life so I'm useless??
NO!! It wasn't anyone of those things! I was trying to find a way to place the blame on something else when really it all came down to two things! Belief and The Law of Attraction!
The Law of Attraction is the most fundamental of all Universal Laws! It is basically a universal law stating everything you think is what you attract. What you believe is what you attract and this works both negatively and positively.
The mind is your most powerful tool. What you think, that energy is put out into the universe and you're going to attract more of it. When I would sit here and think "I am useless and something is wrong with me," I was attracting more and more of those feelings because I was thinking them. I was believing them. I had so much self-doubt that all I was attracting were more ways to feel and carry self-doubt! It was a vicious cycle that was leading me no where and I needed to get out of it.
A little over a month ago I decided to take a giant leap out of self-pity and self-doubt, out of my comfort zone and delve into something that at the time I thought was so out of my element. I became a self-employed fitness and health coach through an amazing company and something sparked and ignited this amazing fire inside of me. Belief!
With my new job, although its slow to begin, one of your 3 "vital behaviors" or rules that you should do everyday is Personal Development. Personal development is something that I love anyway because I am always trying to be "better," but this has been LIFE CHANGING! I read, meditate, listen and watch all types of personal development, whether its training for work, inspiration for self and life, or even ways to stop procrastinating!
The number one thing I need to do everyday is BELIEVE in myself! I need to believe in ME!!! I need to be proud of who I am! And I am! I am so proud of who I am, of who I am becoming, of the goals that I want to achieve and I believe in every single one of them.
But I am not perfect and the best part of my day is when I start to get even just that slither of self-doubt that says "Rachel, come on, you are not a coach. Who are you kidding? You aren't going to achieve these goals! None of what you are thinking can really happen. You are not being realistic!" And immediately after I think to myself "Yes I AM! Yes it is realistic! I BELIEVE in myself! These beliefs are in my head and in my soul and they are not going anywhere!" and Dumbledore's voice comes into my head and says "Of course it is happening inside your head Harry, but why on Earth should that mean it is not real?"
BOOM... Self-doubt shattered!!! Because he is right! WHY ON EARTH CAN'T YOUR BELIEFS BE REAL??? Whether they are good or bad, preferably good, your thoughts are real. Belief and that law of attraction go hand in hand. What you are believing, what you are thinking is going out into the universe and it comes back to you and it IS happening. Good or bad!
BELIEVE in yourself! Believe in the good that you can do, the amazing person that you are. Those beliefs are real! Kick those negative beliefs to the curb, don't let those negative thoughts release into the universe and become your reality. Believe positively in yourself and love yourself for who you are and for what you are and could be capable of!
We are all so lucky to be here. Be grateful for that. And BELIEVE that you can achieve your goals, that you can be the best person you can be, that you ARE the best person you can be. BELIEVE.
What is happening inside your head is real. Don't allow that self-doubt to be your reality! Acknowledge those thoughts and then push them aside, "Avada Kedavra" them thoughts if you'd like ;) and then replace them with the truth of who and what you are! Make your beliefs positive and they will become your reality.
Believe in yourself, in your light, in your soul and in your life.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
The Beginning of My Adventure in Wellness Coaching
Here I go! It is December, the last month of 2015. The time of year where we gear up for the holidays, reflect on the year passed and think about what goals we may or may not keep in the New Year. Well, I'm doing things a little differently this year! Of course I'm gearing up for the holidays and I'll be reflecting on the year passed in a moment the one thing I'm doing differently... I've already made my goals for the New Year.
Better yet, I've already committed to them and began working on them and transitioning my lifestyle to work for them. I have made choices to change and for the better. I am officially (in-training) a Fitness and Wellness Coach for the company BeachBody. And holy crap am I excited. It's crazy! And a year ago, this is so not where I thought I would be right now.
Let me back track a bit, especially for those who don't know me. I was diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) when I was 15 (almost 12 years ago.) It disrupted life here and there but otherwise it wasn't much of a concern, until I had my second child two years ago. Then everything took a turn for the worse. I was having severe digestive problems and they were getting worse everyday. I ended up having to lessen my hours at work and then ultimately leave my job a year ago because I was in no fit state to be able to work under the conditions I was facing. It was tough. I ended up jobless and depressed. Since I was still under the impression that I had IBS I realized I needed to make some seriously life changes. (I have since been diagnosed with Crohn's as of November 2015.)
IBS can be triggered by the foods you eat, so I was on my own experimental elimination diet for about a year and a half.
IBS can be triggered by stress and anxiety, so I contacted a counselor, was prescribed anxiety medication, but also knew I need to come up with my OWN mental toolbox of sorts of ways to practice living a calmer life. One of my ways to relax was to practice yoga, which ended up making me realize I liked and felt my bodies need to be active.
The 3 Things I needed to work on at the beginning of 2015:
- Eating Healthier
- Stressing Less, Practice Mindfulness Techniques
- Exercising
And then one day a Facebook friend, shared a post by this wonderful woman who coached a fitness and health accountability group. You know that Law of Attraction thing??! Yeah, this was it for me! The universe was basically screaming at me "Rachel! Right here, this is exactly what you need!!" And I joined, I was so scared because I only knew literally 1 person in this group, but I did it! I joined! I knew that if I had a group of people or even this one coach who was there to support or cheer me on, people that were on somewhat of the same level of wanting to better themselves, that I would stay accountable with my actions! Honestly, the more I shared with the group, or even just checked in to see how others were doing the more I became motivated and inspired to keep growing.
Growing! That's what we do in life right? In childhood our bodies grow. After our bodies grow, we have to not only maintain them but allow our minds to grow as well. That is what I'm doing in life. I want to grow as a person, mother, friend, motivator.
After a year of growing with this group of ladies and my amazing coach; after being on the fence about so many at-home job opportunities since I still can't work outside the home; and after realizing how happy I feel about the choices I am making I decided it was time to share it with others.
I am officially a BeachBody coach!! I am a fitness and wellness coach!!
It is so exciting when you take the reins, take control of your life. Only you can create your own happiness, you know that right? And if you forgot, this is your reminder!!
I want to share my story and my growth with everyone who wants to make changes in their lives. Be it mentally, physically, or nutrition! Motivating and inspiring others not only feels amazing, it is amazing. Something changed my life, someone stood by and gave me their support and wisdom and inspiration to keep going and to make those changes. That someone was my coach and she has become a friend that I am more than blessed and thankful to have made.
I want to be that someone for someone else. I want to inspire those who want to make changes, I want them to believe that they can do it, to motivate them. To see them achieve their successes, while still also achieving mine in the process. I think what we can do to help other people just surpasses so much of the wrong in this world.
I finally found something I am passionate about and its this! It's living a healthy and well life. It's engaging with others and helping them overcome their obstacles. It's about growing as a person and inspiring others to grow as the human beings that we were made to be. We were given such an amazing opportunity, being born into these amazing human bodies. Why not live them to our fullest and try to better these lives we were given as much as we can! That is what I am passionate about. And I hope that in your own way you are too!
I am so excited for this new adventure. I can't wait to connect and reconnect with the people that I already know and meet new people along the way.
Are you ready to make your goals and lifestyle changes?
On Facebook?
Check out my Wellness page here
If you would like to become a member of my accountability group you can message me on the wellness page above or email me at My email
Not on Facebook but interested in joining? Click the email link above :)
Interested in becoming a BeachBody member: Click Here
Interested in Shakeology: Click Here
(Pidgeon Pose: One of my favorite)
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Taking the Command
The people who know me really well know that I love to organize, I like to do-it-myself, and I LOVE to make lists. The organization thing really crumbled after having kids. The cupboards no longer stay in order, labels don't face out, kids make cities with boxes and can towers, and somehow the syrup is on the same shelf as the pasta sauces and canned vegies; the DVDs are not only not in alphabetical order but they are also non-existent to the prying hands and slobbery mouths of babies and toddlers. My books are hidden, terribly saddening, and the photo albums are stored away too. Nothing is safe when you have little hands running around at knee to hip height. I can only control what is stored at a certain height. Dishes and the closets... thats about it.
Last year I officially became a stay at home mom and I am really thankful for it. There are so many positives with staying at home but there are some negatives as well. One of those negatives is the lack of daily structure and routine. I have struggled this past year in trying to find the right way to really help me structure my day. I need to know what I'm doing, have a game-plan. I need to SEE it written down, to see myself writing it down. Doing so almost engraves it in my mind and I am less likely to forget. I sort of home-schooled my then three year old last year along with daily vision therapy exercises; that was where my adventure in finding the best structure and plan for my day began.
I first tried a Home Management Binder. I made dividers throughout from scrapbooking paper and made sections for the daily goals, cleaning, meal planning, financial, medical, house. Basically everything in one binder. Which worked really well for the Financial, Medical and Home categories. All of the important receipts, medical papers, important home documents and random things that eventually need to be filed away. But for the house cleaning, meal planning, and daily planning I just wasn't feeling the "have a whole big binder out on the counter all day" kinda groove. It wasn't working. I printed out a blank weekly planner sheet and stuck it in a clear page protector and put it on the fridge. That sort of worked, the dry erase part is awesome, but it was over on the fridge and my calendar was on a different wall and my daily planner journal was on the counter. Doing circles. All day.
The daily journal worked the best of all of those because essentially I did have everything for the coming months there in one little book. But that was also the problem, it was little, and I'd have to flip through a bunch of pages to find the full month calendar. Not efficient enough for me.
And so I made a Command Center. And I love it. It is almost perfect. Nothing can ever be perfect, there is always room for change and improvement. But so far it is working fabulously!
The calendar is of course color coded. Each of the family members appointments or events are written in their specific color. By the end of the month, the calendar is very colorful. Color coding really helps me, it is definitive of who has what going on.
In one of the frames is this awesome quote that my Beachbody coach had shared with our group one day and I fell in love with it. It is the perfect affirmation that not only reminds you daily but also in the long term. When I read it everyday, I'm not only setting myself up for a positive day but I am also setting myself up for a positive outlook towards the future.
This frame is strictly for me! This frame is not meant for chores or to do lists or family reminders. "Love Thy Self" is there for me, for my reminders to focus on myself. Whether it be a workout I want to get done, nutritional or medical advice for myself, a personal affirmation for the day, or a reminder on something personal that I am focusing on, this is where that goes!
I made a "High Priority List" because honestly there are so many TO-DO's everyday. I write my TOP 3 to dos for the day here. They don't have to be chores, but for me they usually are. Some days it could be "finish crochet project," "update blog," or any other non chore related thing I need to get done that day. Rate your to-do list from most important to least important and your first 3 go here!
This is where I write daily and weekly reminders such as calls to make, appointments coming up that week, gift purchases that need to be made. I like it all right there!
And then we have the Cleaning list! Because, frankly, I suck at keeping track at what I have and have not cleaned! How I made this chart was I kind of just tried to think of what I chores I do daily, weekly and monthly and what chores I would like or feel I should be doing daily, monthly or weekly.
The good thing about this since I made this on my computer is that if its not working out for me I can go back and edit and reprint whatever additions or removals are needed. It took a little bit of thought but I did it and I love it! And honestly I do not do all the daily stuff and I don't think I have once checked off everything in any column but oh well. Stuff is getting done, I can see its getting done and that's all that matters.
I put this up about a month ago now and it's STILL working for me so I think I have finally found a command center that works for me! I use it everyday, in the mornings I stand in front of it with my hot, fresh cup of coffee while planning and reviewing the day!
Hope this inspires other Mommas out there to find their way to take command!!
Last year I officially became a stay at home mom and I am really thankful for it. There are so many positives with staying at home but there are some negatives as well. One of those negatives is the lack of daily structure and routine. I have struggled this past year in trying to find the right way to really help me structure my day. I need to know what I'm doing, have a game-plan. I need to SEE it written down, to see myself writing it down. Doing so almost engraves it in my mind and I am less likely to forget. I sort of home-schooled my then three year old last year along with daily vision therapy exercises; that was where my adventure in finding the best structure and plan for my day began.
I first tried a Home Management Binder. I made dividers throughout from scrapbooking paper and made sections for the daily goals, cleaning, meal planning, financial, medical, house. Basically everything in one binder. Which worked really well for the Financial, Medical and Home categories. All of the important receipts, medical papers, important home documents and random things that eventually need to be filed away. But for the house cleaning, meal planning, and daily planning I just wasn't feeling the "have a whole big binder out on the counter all day" kinda groove. It wasn't working. I printed out a blank weekly planner sheet and stuck it in a clear page protector and put it on the fridge. That sort of worked, the dry erase part is awesome, but it was over on the fridge and my calendar was on a different wall and my daily planner journal was on the counter. Doing circles. All day.
The daily journal worked the best of all of those because essentially I did have everything for the coming months there in one little book. But that was also the problem, it was little, and I'd have to flip through a bunch of pages to find the full month calendar. Not efficient enough for me.
And so I made a Command Center. And I love it. It is almost perfect. Nothing can ever be perfect, there is always room for change and improvement. But so far it is working fabulously!
This was really easy to make! All frames are from the dollar store and I use them as Dry Erase boards; cuts down on my paper list usage! The only thing not dry erase is the calendar! I ordered a large, much larger than I thought, 16 month desk calendar. With kids and stuff there's a lot of prescheduled appointments and events that need to be marked months away. I need to have everything together. I'm not very good at scheduling in my phone, it never works right. I'm not always compatible with todays technology!
The calendar is of course color coded. Each of the family members appointments or events are written in their specific color. By the end of the month, the calendar is very colorful. Color coding really helps me, it is definitive of who has what going on.
In one of the frames is this awesome quote that my Beachbody coach had shared with our group one day and I fell in love with it. It is the perfect affirmation that not only reminds you daily but also in the long term. When I read it everyday, I'm not only setting myself up for a positive day but I am also setting myself up for a positive outlook towards the future.
This frame is strictly for me! This frame is not meant for chores or to do lists or family reminders. "Love Thy Self" is there for me, for my reminders to focus on myself. Whether it be a workout I want to get done, nutritional or medical advice for myself, a personal affirmation for the day, or a reminder on something personal that I am focusing on, this is where that goes!
I made a "High Priority List" because honestly there are so many TO-DO's everyday. I write my TOP 3 to dos for the day here. They don't have to be chores, but for me they usually are. Some days it could be "finish crochet project," "update blog," or any other non chore related thing I need to get done that day. Rate your to-do list from most important to least important and your first 3 go here!
This is where I write daily and weekly reminders such as calls to make, appointments coming up that week, gift purchases that need to be made. I like it all right there!
And then we have the Cleaning list! Because, frankly, I suck at keeping track at what I have and have not cleaned! How I made this chart was I kind of just tried to think of what I chores I do daily, weekly and monthly and what chores I would like or feel I should be doing daily, monthly or weekly.
The good thing about this since I made this on my computer is that if its not working out for me I can go back and edit and reprint whatever additions or removals are needed. It took a little bit of thought but I did it and I love it! And honestly I do not do all the daily stuff and I don't think I have once checked off everything in any column but oh well. Stuff is getting done, I can see its getting done and that's all that matters.
I put this up about a month ago now and it's STILL working for me so I think I have finally found a command center that works for me! I use it everyday, in the mornings I stand in front of it with my hot, fresh cup of coffee while planning and reviewing the day!
Hope this inspires other Mommas out there to find their way to take command!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
The Beginning of a New Chapter [In Parenthood]
This week marks the beginning of a new chapter in this journey called parenthood. Yesterday, my first born started Pre-K. In New York they have a program called Universal Pre Kindergarten that is free [thankfully] for children age 4. In the city we live in, the UPK program is located in one of their elementary schools and is a full day program.
Most of me has been jumping for joy for this moment while a smaller part of me is maybe a tad bit sad. Not sad, but maybe just still in this solemn shock that my baby girl is growing up. Otherwise though, I have been very excited and looking forward to this moment. Not only for my sanity as I am a stay at home mom and in the day to day it can be quite trying; but also for my daughter to start a new chapter in her life.
Gone are the days where it doesn't matter what time we get up, not that it was ever later than 7:30 anyway. Gone are the days of a less strict bedtime.
In their place are mornings of getting up at the same time everyday, making sure Girly follows her morning routine exact, preparing lunch and snacks every morning, following a more strict bedtime routine, and checking her "home" folder.
It's an adjustment for us all, a welcome adjustment. One that is only the beginning, next year and every year after this will be more of an adjustment with the additions of homework, heavy backpacks, and sports. [I am trying not to think about this.]
Parenthood is such a journey, always a challenge, always something new. In the beginning its babies finding their toes, learning to crawl, eating solid food, walking and talking. The toddler years when your little one is learning his or her independence, figuring out all the new things there are in the world that seem so amazing to them. Like "oh I can open this door now" or "look at me, I climbed up the chair and onto the table."
Everyday is a new adventure, for you and for them. And then it comes time for them to go to school and you're just like "already?"
I am ultimately excited for her to start this new adveture of her life. Socializing, learning classroom rules, how to better follow instructions, learning new things. Today is only her second day, but her face as she is walking into school is just incredible to me. She has this smile, this smile that is glued to her face by a mixture of shock, excitement, and amazement. It isn't an ear to ear grin but rather this small smile with eyes that are unbelieving almost. She can hardly say a word as she is walking in the doors. I find myself remember moments in childhood when I felt the same way that she does now. It brings me nothing but joy for her, to know that she is feeling that feeling, to know that she is happy, to know that what she is seeing is so amazing to her that she can barely speak.
I am excited for myself and my little fella at home too. Besides when I am babysitting, this is the beginning of he and I having some one on one time. The beginning of his adventure in learning new things, being taught by mommy like his big sister was. He is my big helper around the house, helps me clean. His favorites are unloading and loading the dishwasher, rinsing dishes, sweeping and helping Mom fold laundry. I am savoring these moments of having such a great big helper, because I am sure by this time next year he will no longer want to help me. Just like his sister. Next up on his toddler journey will be potty training. I am hoping he is quicker to learn than his sister, who was naked waste down for about 5 months before she turned 3.
It really just goes by so fast. The day to day is slow, dragging, challenging, and testing, with moments of joy and happiness and moments of [almost] complete sanity loss. The days are slow but the years fly by. Time is a funny thing, fickle really. Before I know it, both of my children will be graduating highschool. Until then, every day, week, month and year is the beginning of something new and the ending of something old.
This is the beginning of our new chapter; Girly's new chapter of going to school and my new chapter of having my first school age child.
I wish her every day be more fabulous than the last and may she learn something new and find something new that she loves each and every day.
Most of me has been jumping for joy for this moment while a smaller part of me is maybe a tad bit sad. Not sad, but maybe just still in this solemn shock that my baby girl is growing up. Otherwise though, I have been very excited and looking forward to this moment. Not only for my sanity as I am a stay at home mom and in the day to day it can be quite trying; but also for my daughter to start a new chapter in her life.
Gone are the days where it doesn't matter what time we get up, not that it was ever later than 7:30 anyway. Gone are the days of a less strict bedtime.
In their place are mornings of getting up at the same time everyday, making sure Girly follows her morning routine exact, preparing lunch and snacks every morning, following a more strict bedtime routine, and checking her "home" folder.
It's an adjustment for us all, a welcome adjustment. One that is only the beginning, next year and every year after this will be more of an adjustment with the additions of homework, heavy backpacks, and sports. [I am trying not to think about this.]
Parenthood is such a journey, always a challenge, always something new. In the beginning its babies finding their toes, learning to crawl, eating solid food, walking and talking. The toddler years when your little one is learning his or her independence, figuring out all the new things there are in the world that seem so amazing to them. Like "oh I can open this door now" or "look at me, I climbed up the chair and onto the table."
Everyday is a new adventure, for you and for them. And then it comes time for them to go to school and you're just like "already?"
I am ultimately excited for her to start this new adveture of her life. Socializing, learning classroom rules, how to better follow instructions, learning new things. Today is only her second day, but her face as she is walking into school is just incredible to me. She has this smile, this smile that is glued to her face by a mixture of shock, excitement, and amazement. It isn't an ear to ear grin but rather this small smile with eyes that are unbelieving almost. She can hardly say a word as she is walking in the doors. I find myself remember moments in childhood when I felt the same way that she does now. It brings me nothing but joy for her, to know that she is feeling that feeling, to know that she is happy, to know that what she is seeing is so amazing to her that she can barely speak.
I am excited for myself and my little fella at home too. Besides when I am babysitting, this is the beginning of he and I having some one on one time. The beginning of his adventure in learning new things, being taught by mommy like his big sister was. He is my big helper around the house, helps me clean. His favorites are unloading and loading the dishwasher, rinsing dishes, sweeping and helping Mom fold laundry. I am savoring these moments of having such a great big helper, because I am sure by this time next year he will no longer want to help me. Just like his sister. Next up on his toddler journey will be potty training. I am hoping he is quicker to learn than his sister, who was naked waste down for about 5 months before she turned 3.
It really just goes by so fast. The day to day is slow, dragging, challenging, and testing, with moments of joy and happiness and moments of [almost] complete sanity loss. The days are slow but the years fly by. Time is a funny thing, fickle really. Before I know it, both of my children will be graduating highschool. Until then, every day, week, month and year is the beginning of something new and the ending of something old.
This is the beginning of our new chapter; Girly's new chapter of going to school and my new chapter of having my first school age child.
I wish her every day be more fabulous than the last and may she learn something new and find something new that she loves each and every day.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Finding what makes me, ME
As of yesterday, I began the 40 day BEing Spiritually Intelligent Transformation Course offered by Susan Abrams Milligan, author of BEing Spiritually Intelligent Volume 1.
Check her out here! www.susanabramsmilligan.com
I began (slowly) reading her book about 2 weeks ago. I only read a chapter or part of before bed at night, but I have never felt so connected to her words and the content of her words. Even only in the introduction, were her words not only relatable but the exact feelings and questions I have been experiencing lately.
I have been feeling this deep down, strong urge or push to really truly find myself. But I didn't know where to begin, I didn't know what I was supposed to do and, especially where faith and the Divine were concerned, I wasn't sure how to express what it was I believed in. Honestly, I am not religious, but I felt very lacking in faith.
Then I read these words (among many) in only an introduction:
"Everything happens for a reason, in perfect timing, and in Divine right order" - Susan Abrams Milligan.
She was referring to coincidence and the definition of what it is to coincide. And it all just made sense, I knew in that moment that here was the beginning of a renewed and whole me.
· I was realizing such strong feelings of the need to change, to search, to grow and to find myself.
· Without knowing it at that time, my energy, those needs, were thrown into the universe, searching for that pull off attraction.
·This book is introduced to me, this book that is every thought and wonder I have been asking is in my lap in black and white. And it fills so many unsurities, explains them.
·A course is offered at the time I am reading this book, a course for 40 days, to help find yourself, to help make this (to me) perfect way of thinking and living become a habit.
I can now put into words and understanding the how and the why...
I subconsciously put into the universe that my spirit was missing something, that I was missing something, that I felt lost. The universe responded, offering to me the path that ultimately felt so right. And I, acknowledging my BEing chose to continue learning in this way. I am choosing to make a better habit of thought, to have a renewed sense of self, and to acknowledge my BEing.
Tell me right there that is not Divine right order, that that is not the proof of energy and attraction coinciding within the universe!
I decided to take this 40 day challenge so that I could make this renewed way of thinking a habit. I want to continue to feel this way, to think this way and to evolve with this mindset and these beliefs rooted into my being.
I am finding my BEing.
Today, after a day of looking inward at what it is that I love about my BEing, I will share 5 of those with you that you probably don't know about be.
1) I love to listen to my cat purr.
That probably sounds really silly but it is true. When I lay with my cat, I love the feeling of just laying there listening to his purr. He usually sleeps so that his face is resting on my head. You can hear the sound, you can feel the sound and I find it so soothing. It is a way that my spirit connects with his spirit.
2) I love to be creative.
Right now my creative outlet is crocheting. I find so much enjoyment within myself when I am being productive, artistic and creative.
3) I love to sing and dance to the radio.
Be it in the car or my living room, I love to dance. It's something I don't do in front of people often out of shyness. But, especially when I'm with my kids, I love how easy it is for me to just let go and groove to the beat. (P.S. I'm probably not a good dancer) ;)
4) I love how empathetic I am.
I love how naturally the want and need to be there for someone in a time of need comes. Even if I don't know what to say, or there isn't anything to say. I just know my BEing there is something. I love how I have the ability to step outside of a situation and see the views from all sides. I do my best to give support, help or insight top those who need or want it.
5) I love the way I "fall into" a good book.
I love to read, that's not unknown by others. But what isn't known is the way a good story makes me feel. How easily it's as though I've traveled into the pages. I can become so lost in the words of a good story, so engrossed that the story stays within my thoughts throughout the day.
Those are some of the things I enjoy the most about myself, things that are the true me, part of my BEing.
Part of what makes me, ME.
Check her out here! www.susanabramsmilligan.com
I began (slowly) reading her book about 2 weeks ago. I only read a chapter or part of before bed at night, but I have never felt so connected to her words and the content of her words. Even only in the introduction, were her words not only relatable but the exact feelings and questions I have been experiencing lately.
I have been feeling this deep down, strong urge or push to really truly find myself. But I didn't know where to begin, I didn't know what I was supposed to do and, especially where faith and the Divine were concerned, I wasn't sure how to express what it was I believed in. Honestly, I am not religious, but I felt very lacking in faith.
Then I read these words (among many) in only an introduction:
"Everything happens for a reason, in perfect timing, and in Divine right order" - Susan Abrams Milligan.
She was referring to coincidence and the definition of what it is to coincide. And it all just made sense, I knew in that moment that here was the beginning of a renewed and whole me.
· I was realizing such strong feelings of the need to change, to search, to grow and to find myself.
· Without knowing it at that time, my energy, those needs, were thrown into the universe, searching for that pull off attraction.
·This book is introduced to me, this book that is every thought and wonder I have been asking is in my lap in black and white. And it fills so many unsurities, explains them.
·A course is offered at the time I am reading this book, a course for 40 days, to help find yourself, to help make this (to me) perfect way of thinking and living become a habit.
I can now put into words and understanding the how and the why...
I subconsciously put into the universe that my spirit was missing something, that I was missing something, that I felt lost. The universe responded, offering to me the path that ultimately felt so right. And I, acknowledging my BEing chose to continue learning in this way. I am choosing to make a better habit of thought, to have a renewed sense of self, and to acknowledge my BEing.
Tell me right there that is not Divine right order, that that is not the proof of energy and attraction coinciding within the universe!
I decided to take this 40 day challenge so that I could make this renewed way of thinking a habit. I want to continue to feel this way, to think this way and to evolve with this mindset and these beliefs rooted into my being.
I am finding my BEing.
Today, after a day of looking inward at what it is that I love about my BEing, I will share 5 of those with you that you probably don't know about be.
1) I love to listen to my cat purr.
That probably sounds really silly but it is true. When I lay with my cat, I love the feeling of just laying there listening to his purr. He usually sleeps so that his face is resting on my head. You can hear the sound, you can feel the sound and I find it so soothing. It is a way that my spirit connects with his spirit.
2) I love to be creative.
Right now my creative outlet is crocheting. I find so much enjoyment within myself when I am being productive, artistic and creative.
3) I love to sing and dance to the radio.
Be it in the car or my living room, I love to dance. It's something I don't do in front of people often out of shyness. But, especially when I'm with my kids, I love how easy it is for me to just let go and groove to the beat. (P.S. I'm probably not a good dancer) ;)
4) I love how empathetic I am.
I love how naturally the want and need to be there for someone in a time of need comes. Even if I don't know what to say, or there isn't anything to say. I just know my BEing there is something. I love how I have the ability to step outside of a situation and see the views from all sides. I do my best to give support, help or insight top those who need or want it.
5) I love the way I "fall into" a good book.
I love to read, that's not unknown by others. But what isn't known is the way a good story makes me feel. How easily it's as though I've traveled into the pages. I can become so lost in the words of a good story, so engrossed that the story stays within my thoughts throughout the day.
Those are some of the things I enjoy the most about myself, things that are the true me, part of my BEing.
Part of what makes me, ME.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
The beginning of my 26th year
Okay so this past two months I have been doing a lot of inner finding within myself.
My body, mind and soul are ready to evolve and they are pushing me to do so.
I have been reading a book called BEing Spiritually Intelligent by Sarah Abrams Milligan and I swear from the moment I started reading this book it's like I found the answers to all of the questions I have been asking myself! I am waking up with a whole new attitude and way of thinking and I know within my heart that this is the path I am ready to travel!
Instead of celebrating New Years as the beginning of a new calendar year I am going to celebrate New Years on my Birthday. After all, it is a new year for my human body, my human life. It is my 26th year. It is the beginning of my second quarter of a century!
I choose to allow this year to be the best that it can be. I am choosing to grow and evolve.
I am choosing to find fulfillment in myself and to acknowledge all that I have to offer, to myself, to my family, to my life and those lives that are affected by my being.
I have never felt so right I have never felt so comfortable, confident and SURE of myself and the path that I am ready to take.
I am taking the 40 day challenge hoste by the author of the book mentioned above. Along with keeping my daily journal, I am going to try my hardest to journal on my blog as well. I want to share my journey with you.
Time to begin.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Happy New Year everyone!
My focal point for this new year is to "focus."
It is not, however, my resolution. It just so happened that I coincidentally was ready to make big changes at this time.
This past year I have struggled with my mudslide of stomach and gut ailments, the recurrence of my depression, the increasing worry and fear of being a failure at parenting, the sabatoge of my mind on my own person.
I have disregarded so much of the good by worrying about being better or perfect or healthy or doing what is right.
It is exhausting!! And I honestly can't go on feeling like this.
I have made changes. They have been challenging. But they are only the beginning.
I often forget that changes and improvements can't be made immediately. It takes time, it takes practice, it takes progress.
It takes FOCUS!
I want to be able to focus on one thing at a time. (My psych I started seeing said that I am borderline ADHD - go figure!)
I want to be able to focus on the moment and stop worrying about if I'm doing it right.
I want to be able to step back during a challenging moment and regroup and focus on the important thing.
I want to be calm and relaxed, to breathe.
I want to feel whole and complete, confident in myself. Without worry of what others may think, how they view me as a person or a parent.
I don't want to focus on those things that cause me anxiety and fear and worry.
I want to focus on what is important to me. The people who matter to me. Bettering the relationships in my life. My body, mind, soul and spirit. Doing things for me that make me happy, doing things for others that make them (and myself) happy.
I need to slow my mind down (this seems so impossible a times) and live in the moment.
So far today was a success.
Here's to hoping the rest of the year includes many positive movements, many focused moments, many "in the moments."
Happy New Year to you all. I wish you the very best of the best!
lots of love, xo
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