This week marks the beginning of a new chapter in this journey called parenthood. Yesterday, my first born started Pre-K. In New York they have a program called Universal Pre Kindergarten that is free [thankfully] for children age 4. In the city we live in, the UPK program is located in one of their elementary schools and is a full day program.
Most of me has been jumping for joy for this moment while a smaller part of me is maybe a tad bit sad. Not sad, but maybe just still in this solemn shock that my baby girl is growing up. Otherwise though, I have been very excited and looking forward to this moment. Not only for my sanity as I am a stay at home mom and in the day to day it can be quite trying; but also for my daughter to start a new chapter in her life.
Gone are the days where it doesn't matter what time we get up, not that it was ever later than 7:30 anyway. Gone are the days of a less strict bedtime.
In their place are mornings of getting up at the same time everyday, making sure Girly follows her morning routine exact, preparing lunch and snacks every morning, following a more strict bedtime routine, and checking her "home" folder.
It's an adjustment for us all, a welcome adjustment. One that is only the beginning, next year and every year after this will be more of an adjustment with the additions of homework, heavy backpacks, and sports. [I am trying not to think about this.]
Parenthood is such a journey, always a challenge, always something new. In the beginning its babies finding their toes, learning to crawl, eating solid food, walking and talking. The toddler years when your little one is learning his or her independence, figuring out all the new things there are in the world that seem so amazing to them. Like "oh I can open this door now" or "look at me, I climbed up the chair and onto the table."
Everyday is a new adventure, for you and for them. And then it comes time for them to go to school and you're just like "already?"
I am ultimately excited for her to start this new adveture of her life. Socializing, learning classroom rules, how to better follow instructions, learning new things. Today is only her second day, but her face as she is walking into school is just incredible to me. She has this smile, this smile that is glued to her face by a mixture of shock, excitement, and amazement. It isn't an ear to ear grin but rather this small smile with eyes that are unbelieving almost. She can hardly say a word as she is walking in the doors. I find myself remember moments in childhood when I felt the same way that she does now. It brings me nothing but joy for her, to know that she is feeling that feeling, to know that she is happy, to know that what she is seeing is so amazing to her that she can barely speak.
I am excited for myself and my little fella at home too. Besides when I am babysitting, this is the beginning of he and I having some one on one time. The beginning of his adventure in learning new things, being taught by mommy like his big sister was. He is my big helper around the house, helps me clean. His favorites are unloading and loading the dishwasher, rinsing dishes, sweeping and helping Mom fold laundry. I am savoring these moments of having such a great big helper, because I am sure by this time next year he will no longer want to help me. Just like his sister. Next up on his toddler journey will be potty training. I am hoping he is quicker to learn than his sister, who was naked waste down for about 5 months before she turned 3.
It really just goes by so fast. The day to day is slow, dragging, challenging, and testing, with moments of joy and happiness and moments of [almost] complete sanity loss. The days are slow but the years fly by. Time is a funny thing, fickle really. Before I know it, both of my children will be graduating highschool. Until then, every day, week, month and year is the beginning of something new and the ending of something old.
This is the beginning of our new chapter; Girly's new chapter of going to school and my new chapter of having my first school age child.
I wish her every day be more fabulous than the last and may she learn something new and find something new that she loves each and every day.