A wise and powerful [fictional] man once said "Of course it is happening inside your head Harry, but why on Earth should that mean it is not real?" Yes that was Professor Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. If you know me, you know that Harry Potter is basically a part of my daily life, always. If you haven't seen or read the books, tisk tisk, go read the books and then see the movies! (Also, thank you J.K. Rowling since you really said it, Dumbledore can't get all the credit.)
Anyway! That quote! When the word belief is used or thought of, that quote (in Dumbledore's voice of course) is the first thing that comes into my mind. This quote resonates with me so much, especially whenever I believe that I can do something or when I am battling self-doubt.
Do you have goals but you never really achieve them? They are there one week and then self doubt sinks in and they are gone? Or you think you just are good enough or good at what you do?
Belief is powerful! Belief is necessary. Believe in yourself! Believe in what you want, in what you are doing, in who you are!
For the longest time, I struggled with believing in myself. I carried so much self-doubt, daily. I believed that I wasn't a good mom, that I wasn't a good stay at home mom, that I wasn't good at my job or that my job (at the time) was pointless and worthless. I believed everyday that there was something wrong with me. With the way I act or the way I feel too much, I thought everything about myself was wrong!
And you know what? I was right! I had it in my head that there was something wrong with me, that I wasn't good at anything I was doing. It was happening in my head and so that is what I was 1)what my constant energy was putting out into the Universe and 2)receiving back from the Universe.
I didn't believe in myself! I kept trying to find a reason for WHY I was doing everything wrong. What hidden reason was there that I was doing something wrong? Was it something from my past that messed up my head and ability to handle emotions? Was it raging hormones after having two kids (yes, sometimes this one is accurate.) Was is the nagging fact that I never went to college or did anything with my life so I'm useless??
NO!! It wasn't anyone of those things! I was trying to find a way to place the blame on something else when really it all came down to two things! Belief and The Law of Attraction!
The Law of Attraction is the most fundamental of all Universal Laws! It is basically a universal law stating everything you think is what you attract. What you believe is what you attract and this works both negatively and positively.
The mind is your most powerful tool. What you think, that energy is put out into the universe and you're going to attract more of it. When I would sit here and think "I am useless and something is wrong with me," I was attracting more and more of those feelings because I was thinking them. I was believing them. I had so much self-doubt that all I was attracting were more ways to feel and carry self-doubt! It was a vicious cycle that was leading me no where and I needed to get out of it.
A little over a month ago I decided to take a giant leap out of self-pity and self-doubt, out of my comfort zone and delve into something that at the time I thought was so out of my element. I became a self-employed fitness and health coach through an amazing company and something sparked and ignited this amazing fire inside of me. Belief!
With my new job, although its slow to begin, one of your 3 "vital behaviors" or rules that you should do everyday is Personal Development. Personal development is something that I love anyway because I am always trying to be "better," but this has been LIFE CHANGING! I read, meditate, listen and watch all types of personal development, whether its training for work, inspiration for self and life, or even ways to stop procrastinating!
The number one thing I need to do everyday is BELIEVE in myself! I need to believe in ME!!! I need to be proud of who I am! And I am! I am so proud of who I am, of who I am becoming, of the goals that I want to achieve and I believe in every single one of them.
But I am not perfect and the best part of my day is when I start to get even just that slither of self-doubt that says "Rachel, come on, you are not a coach. Who are you kidding? You aren't going to achieve these goals! None of what you are thinking can really happen. You are not being realistic!" And immediately after I think to myself "Yes I AM! Yes it is realistic! I BELIEVE in myself! These beliefs are in my head and in my soul and they are not going anywhere!" and Dumbledore's voice comes into my head and says "Of course it is happening inside your head Harry, but why on Earth should that mean it is not real?"
BOOM... Self-doubt shattered!!! Because he is right! WHY ON EARTH CAN'T YOUR BELIEFS BE REAL??? Whether they are good or bad, preferably good, your thoughts are real. Belief and that law of attraction go hand in hand. What you are believing, what you are thinking is going out into the universe and it comes back to you and it IS happening. Good or bad!
BELIEVE in yourself! Believe in the good that you can do, the amazing person that you are. Those beliefs are real! Kick those negative beliefs to the curb, don't let those negative thoughts release into the universe and become your reality. Believe positively in yourself and love yourself for who you are and for what you are and could be capable of!
We are all so lucky to be here. Be grateful for that. And BELIEVE that you can achieve your goals, that you can be the best person you can be, that you ARE the best person you can be. BELIEVE.
What is happening inside your head is real. Don't allow that self-doubt to be your reality! Acknowledge those thoughts and then push them aside, "Avada Kedavra" them thoughts if you'd like ;) and then replace them with the truth of who and what you are! Make your beliefs positive and they will become your reality.
Believe in yourself, in your light, in your soul and in your life.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
The Beginning of My Adventure in Wellness Coaching
Here I go! It is December, the last month of 2015. The time of year where we gear up for the holidays, reflect on the year passed and think about what goals we may or may not keep in the New Year. Well, I'm doing things a little differently this year! Of course I'm gearing up for the holidays and I'll be reflecting on the year passed in a moment the one thing I'm doing differently... I've already made my goals for the New Year.
Better yet, I've already committed to them and began working on them and transitioning my lifestyle to work for them. I have made choices to change and for the better. I am officially (in-training) a Fitness and Wellness Coach for the company BeachBody. And holy crap am I excited. It's crazy! And a year ago, this is so not where I thought I would be right now.
Let me back track a bit, especially for those who don't know me. I was diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) when I was 15 (almost 12 years ago.) It disrupted life here and there but otherwise it wasn't much of a concern, until I had my second child two years ago. Then everything took a turn for the worse. I was having severe digestive problems and they were getting worse everyday. I ended up having to lessen my hours at work and then ultimately leave my job a year ago because I was in no fit state to be able to work under the conditions I was facing. It was tough. I ended up jobless and depressed. Since I was still under the impression that I had IBS I realized I needed to make some seriously life changes. (I have since been diagnosed with Crohn's as of November 2015.)
IBS can be triggered by the foods you eat, so I was on my own experimental elimination diet for about a year and a half.
IBS can be triggered by stress and anxiety, so I contacted a counselor, was prescribed anxiety medication, but also knew I need to come up with my OWN mental toolbox of sorts of ways to practice living a calmer life. One of my ways to relax was to practice yoga, which ended up making me realize I liked and felt my bodies need to be active.
The 3 Things I needed to work on at the beginning of 2015:
- Eating Healthier
- Stressing Less, Practice Mindfulness Techniques
- Exercising
And then one day a Facebook friend, shared a post by this wonderful woman who coached a fitness and health accountability group. You know that Law of Attraction thing??! Yeah, this was it for me! The universe was basically screaming at me "Rachel! Right here, this is exactly what you need!!" And I joined, I was so scared because I only knew literally 1 person in this group, but I did it! I joined! I knew that if I had a group of people or even this one coach who was there to support or cheer me on, people that were on somewhat of the same level of wanting to better themselves, that I would stay accountable with my actions! Honestly, the more I shared with the group, or even just checked in to see how others were doing the more I became motivated and inspired to keep growing.
Growing! That's what we do in life right? In childhood our bodies grow. After our bodies grow, we have to not only maintain them but allow our minds to grow as well. That is what I'm doing in life. I want to grow as a person, mother, friend, motivator.
After a year of growing with this group of ladies and my amazing coach; after being on the fence about so many at-home job opportunities since I still can't work outside the home; and after realizing how happy I feel about the choices I am making I decided it was time to share it with others.
I am officially a BeachBody coach!! I am a fitness and wellness coach!!
It is so exciting when you take the reins, take control of your life. Only you can create your own happiness, you know that right? And if you forgot, this is your reminder!!
I want to share my story and my growth with everyone who wants to make changes in their lives. Be it mentally, physically, or nutrition! Motivating and inspiring others not only feels amazing, it is amazing. Something changed my life, someone stood by and gave me their support and wisdom and inspiration to keep going and to make those changes. That someone was my coach and she has become a friend that I am more than blessed and thankful to have made.
I want to be that someone for someone else. I want to inspire those who want to make changes, I want them to believe that they can do it, to motivate them. To see them achieve their successes, while still also achieving mine in the process. I think what we can do to help other people just surpasses so much of the wrong in this world.
I finally found something I am passionate about and its this! It's living a healthy and well life. It's engaging with others and helping them overcome their obstacles. It's about growing as a person and inspiring others to grow as the human beings that we were made to be. We were given such an amazing opportunity, being born into these amazing human bodies. Why not live them to our fullest and try to better these lives we were given as much as we can! That is what I am passionate about. And I hope that in your own way you are too!
I am so excited for this new adventure. I can't wait to connect and reconnect with the people that I already know and meet new people along the way.
Are you ready to make your goals and lifestyle changes?
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Check out my Wellness page here
If you would like to become a member of my accountability group you can message me on the wellness page above or email me at My email
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Interested in becoming a BeachBody member: Click Here
Interested in Shakeology: Click Here
(Pidgeon Pose: One of my favorite)
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