As a stay at home mom, it is important for me to Find and Make time for myself, my health, and my own personal betterment. Somewhere along the way, in parenthood, I think we may lose ourselves; the person we were before we became a parent, the person we wanted to be or thought we were, and the person we've become. Sometimes it's easy to find that person again and create a balance between the old you and the new you. Other times it's not that simple, and that is OKAY.
For me, it was pretty hard to even realize I had lost a pretty big part of myself and it wasn't an overnight process once I did realize it. It is still a process!! But now I have a journey that I am on. I figured out where I lost myself and what I needed to do to get back on track to being ME and to being the best possible ME that I can be. One of those big steps I had to take was implementing better nutrition and regular exercise into my daily life.
Have you ever had that lost feeling after having children? It's okay to admit it. We've all been there because we consume ourselves in our children, in making sure they are happy, healthy, cared for and loved. But what about you?? Are you placing that same amount of priority on YOURSELF? It is just as important for you to take the best possible care of YOURSELF as it is to take care of your family. You are their rock, their role model, their super hero, the most important person in their lives. Why not take pride within yourself that you 100% deserve?!
What do you think? Are you ready to put some Spring into your step and make time for YOU again? I would like to invite you to personally challenge yourself for 21 days of making YOU a top priority in your life, with me :) Starting April 4th, 2016 we will be adventuring on a 21 day journey to make ourselves, and ultimately our health and vitality, a TOP priority.
Ready to Spring Into Fitness with me this April and take back control of your life and health? Fill out the form below so we can get started :)
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